About Us

The 66fit range was designed and developed by Physio Supplies Ltd using our team’s extensive knowledge and customer feedback. As a company we are dedicated to supplying physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and sports therapy equipment direct to the public, patient and professional at affordable prices.
Physio Supplies was established in 1999 to provide sports, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and medical equipment to the public, patients and professionals. Following the extremely successful launch in 2010 of the 66fit range, we saw continued growth in the UK, Australia and our recently opened German distribution warehouse. Our products now encompass not just physiotherapy equipment, but also sports, rehabilitation, home fitness and gym equipment. For this reason we felt that the name Physio Supplies no longer reflected who we are and we have become 66fit Limited.
At 66fit we believe true fitness is all or nothing. So we’ve created 66fit for people who measure themselves against their own expectations and then exceed them. 66fit is both a range of products and a state of mind. The equipment serves to fit into your regime at the appropriate level, allowing you to train more dynamically and more effectively. Shop online now and give 66fit.com a fitness test.